Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Focus: Life or Death?

Not too long ago, I posed a question to one of the online communities I frequent. What is more important, Yeshua's life or his death? Personally, I believe his life is most important, and I'll explain why in a bit. But I found that most people who believe Yeshua is the messiah believe that his death is more important. After all, what saved us, his life or his death? Now, for the explanation of my belief on the subject.

I believe, as I said, that Yeshua's life was more important than his death. Not too much more important, but still more important. Common rebuttals to this statement are that his death is what saved us, not his life. But how could he die if he had not first lived? At the same time, sure his death saved us from our sins and an eternity separated from the holy, righteous, unfathomable, and overwhelming love of our Creator should we repent of our sins and turn to Him, but we still sin, yes? Precisely my point. Even with that salvation, that forgiveness, we still sin. His death did not, will not, and cannot prevent that. But his life can. It is through his life that we learn HOW to live, HOW to love, and HOW to follow G-d. Yeshua teaches us through his LIFE how to LIVE. He teaches us what is sin and how to best avoid it...not that we will always succeed at perfection, but we WILL succeed at being what G-d wants us to be: His Children.


Sara said...

But you still haven't answered my point. They are just as important as each other, because while His life shows us how to live, it also condemns us because we do not live that way. His death gives us the hope and the strength and the motivation to try to follow His life.

Restoration said...

Hm? His life condemns us? I do believe Paul addresses this in his own writings:

Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is no longer any condemnation awaiting those who are in union with the Messiah Yeshua.

If you feel condemned by his life, I recommend looking into WHY you feel condemned. Because I don't feel condemned when I look at his life. He's my teacher. Though I take baby steps, he still leads the way, taking me by the hand, gently speaking words of encouragement :)

Sara said...

I already addressed that in my blog post. I am not condemned by His life, because of His death. Otherwise, His life says that holiness is possible for us, and we fall short. His life is only condemning if we are not made clean by His death.

Try reading my post again, see if you can understand me. I do not feel condemned now, because as you said, there is no condemnation for those who are in Yeshua HaMoshaic, but for those are not in Him... then yes, His life is condemning.

Restoration said...

Hm...you have a point. I'll have to get back to you on that one.